 This picture is talking about Prometheus and Io. Prometheus and Io met. They talked about their own stories. Prometheus told her how Zeus had treated him, and she told him that Zeus was the reason why she, once a princess and a happy girl, had been changed into a beast.

Io's family tree (includes Zeus and Io; Zeus and Europa)

    Europa's story

    Europa was one of Zeus's lover, too. She was also related to Io. She was Io's great-great grand daughter, based on the family tree below.  Zeus fell in love with her. He approached her in the form of a white bull and carried her away from Phoenicia to Crete. She bore three sons for Zeus. 


    Edith Hamilton

    Edith Hamilton was a German-American educator. The New York Times has described her as the Classical Scholar who "Brought into clear and brilliant focus the Golden Age of Greek life and thought . . . with Homeric power and simplicity in her style of writing". She wrote the book, Mythology, based on her study of Greek and Roman myths. The explanations of two stories above were based on her book.